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About Us

Methodism in Zimbabwe traces its heritage from John and Charles Wesley, and the Holy Club in the 1730s. The Methodist movement arrived in South Africa in 1795. The Methodist Church of Southern Africa became autonomous in 1882. However, the Transvaal District was a Boer territory, and it was felt prudent to retain it as a dependent extension of British Methodism.ย  In 1891, the Methodist Missionary Society in London decided to send the Revd Owen Watkins and Revd Isaac Shimmin who were in Transvaal โ€“South Africa to establish Methodism in Mashonaland (now Zimbabwe). Watkins and Shimmin arrived in Mashonaland on 29 September 1891 accompanied by some African Evangelists. They established mission stations in Fort Salisbury (Harare) (1891), Hartleyton i.e. Nemakonde later named after Marshal Hartley who was the secretary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Epworth (1892), Nenguo (1892), and Kwenda (1892). The work at these mission stations was made possible by the arrival of the Revd George H. Eva and eight African teacher-evangelists from the Transvaal and Cape Colony in August 1892. These included Joseph Ramushu, Modumedi Moleli, Samuel Tutani, Wellington H Belisi, and James Anta among others. It is from these humble beginnings that the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe has grown to be a notable religious organisation. In Matabeleland, the church built another mission station at Tengwani in 1897. In 1913, a new mission station called Sandringham was founded. Stations like Chemhanza and Pakame were established later. From 1891-1965, Methodist Church in Zimbabwe was led by missionaries. The first black General Superintendent and District Chairman was Rev Andrew Majoni Ndhlela. When the church became autonomous in 1977, Revd. Ndhlela was appointed the first President of the Conference of Rhodesia up to 1980.ย 
The Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ) is a member of the World Council of Churches, World Methodist Council, All Africa Conference of Churches, Africa Methodist Council, and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. The Church draws its mandate from its vision of being an empowered and connected Christian community positively impacting society. The vision of the Church is anchored on five strategic pillars namely improving Church growth, enhancing social responsibility, resourcing the Church for sustainability, strengthening MCZ for effective delivery and excelling education services. The Church cherishes its place in the Holy Catholic Church, which is the Body of Christ, rejoices in the inheritance of the Apostolic Faith, and loyally accepts the fundamental principles of the historic creeds and the Protestant Reformation. Methodist Church ever remembers that in the Providence of God, it was raised to spread Scriptural Holiness by the proclamation of the Evangelical Faith and declares its unfaltering resolve to be true to its divinely appointed mission.


Revd Owen Watkins
One of the first missionaries to come with teacher evangelists
from South Africa together with Isaac Shimmin
He was a leader from 1891-1902

Revd John White
District Supt 1903-1927

Revd Frank Noble
General Supt of Rhodesia 1928-1938

Revd Hebert Carter
General Supt 1939-1953

Revd Andrew Ndlela and Revd Arthur Shaw
Autonomy service in 1977

Revd Andrew Ndhlela
President 1977

Revd Farai Chirisa
Presiding Bishop 1989-1991 and 1994-1999

Revd Dr. Chrispen C.G. Mazobere
Presiding Bishop 1991-1994

Revd Cephas Z Mukandi
Presiding Bishop 2000-2004

Revd Margaret James
the first female Acting Presiding Bishop 2005

Revd Simbarashe Sithole
Presiding Bishop 2006-2010

Revd Amos Ndhlumbi
Presiding Bishop 2011-2015

Revd Dr. Solomon Zwana
Presiding Bishop 2016-2020






Heads of Departments and Officers

Revd Dr. Kudakwashe Paradza

Mission Director

Revd Dr. Daniel Muzenda

Education Secretary

Revd Michael Mabasa

Connexional Accountant

Mr Elisha Shereni

Group Funeral Scheme Manager

Mrs Priscilla N. Masawi

Connexional Bookshop Manager

Revd Linrle Link Mutendzwa

MRCH Director

Mr Tawanda Sumani

Waddilove Farm Manager

Revd Mary Chiwara

Youth and Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Mr Anotida Mandaza

Internal Auditor

Mrs Kudzaiishe Ndawana

MeDRA National Director

Revd Dr. Eliot Mashonganyika

Southern Africa Methodist University Administrator

Revd Givemore Chare

Tertiary Institutions National Chaplain

Mrs Ethel Ngwenya

Human Resources Officer

Mrs Theresa Tinarwo

Assistant Accountant

Revd Junior Paradza

Safeguarding and Gender Officer

Revd Obert Shatai

Evangelism Coodinator

Revd Arnold M. Mpaso

Communications Officer

Connexional Staff





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