Connexional Youth Revival

Youth and Children’s Ministry under the leadership of Revd M. Chiwara (Coordinator), Simbarashe Sinamani (President), Patricia Matemera (V. President) and the Connexional youth executive managed to successfully hold its Connexional revival from 8 to 11 August at Chemhanza High School running under the theme: “Say no to Drugs and Substance Abuse”. The event is done after every five years and this was an opportunity for the young people from all the four corners of the nation in the MCZ connexion to gather and reflect while being uplifted spiritually through praise and worship as well as vibrant sermons and teachings from various preachers and speakers. At this year’s event all the eight Districts were represented with huge numbers in all the organisations, i.e. BCU, GCU, MYD, YA and Sunday School.

The church leadership comprising of the Presiding Bishop, Connexional Lay President, General Secretary, and Mission Director and all the District Bishops graced the occasion which had a hype of activities. The government of Zimbabwe also attended this event through its representative, Honourable Tino Machakaire, who is the minister for Youth Empowerment and Development and Vocational Training. Addressing the youths, the minister said that drug and substance abuse was derailing the efforts being made by the government, thus he commended the church leadership for giving an opportunity to youths to gather and denounce such activities. The Presiding Bishop Revd G.T Mawire in his keynote address condemned drug and substance abuse, and expressed confidence in the youth, encouraging their involvement in all church activities which strengthens the church’s influence in the world. He said that out of the love for the young people it is important for the youth to use the time they have wisely and tap the wisdom of age from the older people such as parents. He emphasized that the youth should take much time in prayer as theme says we are “Ambassadors for Christ”.