MCU National Convention

Men’s Christian Union (MCU) held its National Convention from 29 August to 1 September 2024 at Sandringham High School under the theme: “Ambassadors for Christ”. Men in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe connexion were gathered in numbers representing all the 8 Districts of MCZ. The Connexional Chairman of MCU, Revd J. Mtemasango, gave his address on Saturday 31 August and encouraged men to actively participate in the church, what MCU has to do to remain relevant in this day and age. He said that MCU should be noticed in our communities by the way they behave as men when they move around carrying the identity of the church. The chairman also emphasized on the issue of seeking ways by which the organisation can attract young men through dynamic strategies.

The Presiding Bishop Revd G.T Mawire also gave his address to men at the convention and in his address he further buttressed that men should behave in a way that portray Christian values and MCU are beacons of light and should be seen in our communities and families that they are people of God. In the church the MCUs should stand in the gap as men where there is need

The event was packed with various spirit lifting activities such as sermons, teachings and praise and worship moments. Some of the speakers at the convention included: Rev Dr. Mugwidi who presented a lesson on the MCZ Strategic plan; Rev Chiwundura who presented a lesson on 21st century Parenting, Revd Chagudhuma who presented a lesson on Christianity from a Wesleyan Perspective; Revd Maturi and Revd Marangwanda were some of the speakers who delivered powerful sermons. It was a moment for men in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe to reflect and praise God being the light and salt of the earth.