Wesley Holding Company’s Mine dedication ceremony

On the 25th of September 2023, Wesleyan Holding Company held the dedication ceremony at Waddilove farm of the mining site operating under the trade name Care Trust Investments (Pvt) Ltd. This was the greatest achievement for the Wesleyan Holding Company for the mining to start operating because it has been long debating on how and when to start mining. In line with strategy of Methodist Church in Zimbabwe Pillar number 3 resourcing the church for sustainability (enhancing revenue base), from the mining of lithium we are looking for financial growth in the church. The major shareholder and our partnership members from Terra-world mining company were present to officiate the opening of Lithium mine. The size of the mine is 150 hectares.

The event was graced by various invited guests including: The Church Executive: Presiding Bishop Revd G.T Mawire, Connexional Lay President Mr G. Hanyane, General Secretary Rev Dr M. Mujinga, Mission Director Rev Dr K. Paradza. The Wesleyan Holding Company was represented by the Board Chair Mr J. Chimhanda, Operations Manager Mrs P. Masawi, Board Member Mr G. Chokwa, GFS Manager Mr E. Shereni, Waddilove Farm Manager Mr T. Sumani. Also present was the Marondera District executive and the Waddilove schools staff. Our Partnership in Mining Terra-World was represented by Terra-World Director Mr T. Mwahowa, Terra World General Manager Mr I. Kwari, Terra-World Engineers and machinery Operators. The ceremony started at 11.00am with the opening prayer from the General Secretary Rev Dr M. Mujinga. The Introductions were done by the Operations Manager Mrs P. Masawi, Mission Director Rev Dr K. Paradza and the General Secretary Rev. Dr M. Mujinga.

Welcome remarks were done by the District Bishop Rev M. Madiye. Purpose of gathering was presented by the board chair Mr J. Chimhanda and, Mr T. Mwahowa director of Terra-World gave brief history about Terra World and its operations and how the operations are to be done under the partnership in mining of lithium. Dedication speech was given by the Presiding Bishop Rev. G.T. Mawire and then the Terra-World General Manager Mr I. Kwari led the delegation on tour of mining site, machinery to be used including caterpillars and trucks and the camp site. After the tour the official Opening of the mine was done by the Presiding Bishop Rev G.T. Mawire and the closing remarks were given by the Connexional Lay President Mr G. Hanyane with the Presiding Bishop giving the closing prayer and benediction at the end of the event.